Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our trip to Utah, Easter and more!

Well Stu had to go to California for business so he drove me down to Utah to be with family. We had alot of fun and as always our trips are to short. Thanks everyone for dropping what you were doing to come say Hi or just letting us visit you!
We started off at Norm and Diane's (Stu's parents) and Alivia was spoiled with this cute little bunny that hops and sings 'here comes peter cotton tail' she loves it, she starts flopping her arms and gets these huge grins. That night Diane took me to see my cute Nieces new baby Gage at like Eleven,I had to see the new addition before he gets to big.
Then off to Brock and Lacey we went were I stayed the rest the week, Alivia was sick when I brought her down with just a little cough and runny nose, well by the end of the week she wasn't sleeping very well had a Runny, congested nose that I never could get her completely cleared out...on top of all that Jocelyn had me convinced to get her ears pierced...and I did! And I have to say I am glad she did because she looks so cute! We had a barbecue at Dads house, shopped, ate, relaxed, played monopoly and bugged Brock for more Salsa!! Alot of late night parties, being spoiled by everyone around, and one quick visit to see mom which spoiled Alivia with the cutest Easter bows and dress...I will post pictures for ya mom. Anyway I think that pretty much sums up what we did while Stu was gone! Minus a few details any way thanks for the love and the good times spent with all that we could get to see, and I apologize for those we didn't get out to see and plans that we bailed on because of Alivia getting sick. I wish I would of taken more pictures, I really wanted a picture of Amber in her Sleepers!


The Howard's said...

Alivia is gorgeous! I wish I was still in Utah to have been able to see you. Miss you guys!

Burgon Fam said...

Hey Ashley thanks for your sweet comments...I for sure remembered who you were once i saw your pictures.. ive met ya a few i it didnt take me long. So i think i will do a little research on this drug you were talkin about...iv never hear of it so im curiouse...did you have to be on it? Any way thanks again...and p.s. Darling Darling little family!